Firgelli Automation TV Lift Kits Firgelli Robots Linear Slides Makezilla
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Having trouble deciding which slide rail or actuator unit is right for you? Our friendly sales and support staff are waiting to hear from you! Equipped with a wealth of knowledge, our handpicked personnel can offer tailored help and advice whether you are installing the linear bearing or drawer slide yourself, or you are ordering it for someone else to install.

We help people like you every day with their linear motion projects, and would be happy to hear about yours as well!


Office Hours: 9AM - 4PM PST in the USA
Office Days: Monday - Friday
Office Phone: 1 (866) 226 - 0465
Extension 1: Sales
Extension 2: Support

1465 Slater Road Ferndale, WA 98248 United States (866) 226 0465

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